33rd Seminar, Barcelona, 18-20 September 2006
18th Geneva Risk Economics lecture by Martin Weber on "Biased Probability Judgements - Relevance for Economics?"
Scientific Committee: François Salanié, Han Bleichrodt, Richard Stapleton
Local Organizer: Pilar Abad, Mercedes Ayuso, Montserrat Guillén
Monday, September 18th
09:00 - 09:15 |
Registration and Welcome Coffee |
09:15 - 09:30 |
Welcome Speech |
09:15 - 11:00 |
Geneva Risk Economics Lecture
Martin Weber
“Biased Probability Judgments - Relevance for Economics?"
(Discussant: F. Salanié)
11:00 - 11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11:15 - 12:45 |
Risk and Insurance: Theory (Chair: A. Snow)
F. Gannon and V. Touze "Insurance and optimal growth" (Discussant: S. Zuber)
C. Gollier and A. Muermann "Optimal Choice and Beliefs with ex ante savoring and ex post disappointment" (Discussant: A. Snow)
Empirical Studies (Chair: M.Browne)
C. Courbage "Prudence, savings and health care risks" (Discussant: D. Bardey)
R.J. Huang, L.Y. Tzeng, J. Wang and K.C. Wang "Evidence for adverse selection in the automobile insurance market" (Discussant: M. Browne)
12:45 - 14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30 - 16:00 |
Risk Preferences: Experiments (Chair: N. Drouhin)
E. Jouini, J.M. Marin, C. Napp and C. Robert "Are risk averse agents more optimistic?" (Discussant: N. Treich)
J.K. Hammit, K. Haninger, N. Treich "Effects of health and longevity on financial risk tolerance" (Discussant: N. Drouhin)
Empirical Finance (Chair: R. Stapleton)
O. Burkhardt "Are there comovements in default risk of reinsurance companies?" (Discussant: L.Y. Zeng)
M.J. Browne, Yu-Len Ma and Ping Wang "Executive Stock Options Compensation and Reserve Errors in the Property and Casualty Industry" (Discussant: R. Stapleton)
16:00 - 16:30 |
Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:30 |
Risk Preferences: Theory I (Chair: R. Kast)
L. Eeeckhoudt and H. Schlesinger "On the utility premium of Friedman and Savage" (Discussant: A. Chassagnon)
D.C. Keenan, D.C. Rudow and A. Snow "Risk preferences and changes in background risk" (Discussant: H. Schlesinger)
H. Zank "Deriving rank-dependetn Utility trough probabilistic consistency" (Discussant: R. Kast)
Finance: Asset Pricing (Chair: O. Burkhardt)
S. A. Persson "Debt allocation: to fix or float" (Discussant: O. Le Courtouis)
P. Lochte Jorgensen "Traffic light options" (Discussant: O. Burkart)
21:00 |
Congress Dinner "Asador der Mar"
Tuesday, September 19th
09:30 - 11:00 |
Industrial Organization I (Chair: D. Alary)
A. Hofmann "Internalizing externalities of loss prevention through insurance monopoly: an analysis of interdependent risks " (Discussant: P. Picard)
J.M. Bourgeon, P. Picard and J. Pouyet "Providers affiliation, insurance and collusion" (Discussant: D. Alary)
Risk Preferences: Theory II (Chair: H. Zank)
A. Bommier and S. Zuber "Can preferences for catastrophe avoidance reconcile social discounting with intergenerational equity?" (Discussant: V. Touze)
N. Drouhin "Uncertain lifetime, prospect theory and temporal consistency " (Discussant: H. Zank)
11:00 - 11:30 |
Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:30 |
Ernst Meyer Prize
Bidénam Kambia-Chopin "Prevention of Risks, Insurance markets and Environmental Liability: Essays on Incentive Theory"
12:30 - 14:30 |
14:30 - 16:15 |
Industrial Organization II (Chair: C. Fluet )
A. Attar and A. Chassagnon "Price and non-price equilibria in an oligopolistic game with non-exclusivity" (Discussant: P. Olivella)
P. Olivella and F. Schroyen "Multi-dimensional screening in insurance - with an application to gender discrimination" (Discussant: C. Fluet)
Empirical Studies (Chair: A. Muermann)
P. Eugster and P. Zweifel "Correlated Risks: a conflict of interest between insurers and consumers and its resolution" (Discussant: A. Hofmann)
R.J. Huang, L.Y. Tzeng and K.C. Wang "Empirical evidence for advantageous selection in the insurance market" (Discussant: A. Muermann)
16:15 - 16:40 |
Coffee break
16:40 - 18:00 |
EGRIE Meeting
21:00 - 23:00
Gala Dinner
Wednesday, September 20th
9:30 - 10:45 |
Asset Pricing II (Chair: P. Lochte Jorgensen)
C. Bernard, O. Le Courtouis and F. Quittard-Pinon "Assessing the market value of safety loadings" (Discussant: N. Gatzert)
N. Gatzert and A. Kling "Analysis of participating life insurance contracts: a unification approach" (Discussant: P. Lochte Jorgensen)
Health and Insurance (Chair: C. Courbage)
D. Bardey and R. Lesur "Optimal regulation of health system with induced demand and ex post moral hazard" (Discussant: A. Lavigne)
D. Alary and F. Bien "Optimal health insurance contract: can moral hazard increase indemnity " (Discussant: C. Courbage)
10:45 - 11:15 |
Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:45 |
Risk Preferences Theory III (Chair: F. Salanie)
G. Carlier and R.A. Dana "Demand risk sharing and Equilibria for utilities additively separable into the quantiles"(Discussant: C. Gollier)
C. Gollier and B. Salanie "Individual decision under risk, risk sharing and asset prices with regret"(Discussant: R.A. Dana)
Contract Design (Chair: R. Eisen)
C. Fluet and M.C. Fagart "Liability insurance under the negligence rule" (Discussant: B. Kambia-Chopin)
M. Fall and A. Lavigne "Multi-period health insurance contracts and Bayesian updating of beliefs" (Discussant: R. Eisen)
12:45 - 13:45 |
Farewell Lunch |